The Environmental Research Laboratory offers the following measurements and tests:
- measurements of dust emissions from fuel combustion processes and technological processes
- measurements of PM10 and PM2.5 dust emissions from fuel combustion and technological processes
- measurement of gaseous emissions ( O2, CO2, CO, NOx (sum NO i NO2), SO2 ) from fuel combustion and technological processes
- measurements of volatile organic compounds (TVOC) emissions for installations
- sampling to determine the concentration of organic and inorganic compounds
- sampling to determine the concentration of metalsAs, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, TI, V and Hg
- sampling to determine the concentration hydrogen chloride
- sampling to determine the concentration hydrogen fluoride
- sampling to determine the concentration ammonia
- testing the effectiveness of air protection devices
Our company's offer regarding the measurement of dust and gas emissions includes:
- Measurements of the parameters of waste gases emitted from energy and technological installations, devices and emitters for the determination of pollutant emission indicators
- Measurements of dust and gas pollutant emissions for the purpose of developing an annual pollutant transfer and release report
- Regulatory, optimization, guarantee and acceptance measurements of waste gas parameters for power and technological installations and devices
- Measurements of the effectiveness of air protection installations and devices (dust extraction installations and devices, absorbers, adsorbers, catalytic and thermal boosters)
- Periodic measurements along with calculation of emissions and efficiency of installations for the recovery of hydrocarbon vapors, on VRU, OPB installations, etc.
- Installation and sale of connectors for measuring the emission of dust and gas pollutants, in accordance with the requirements of applicable standards and legal regulations
Our company's offer to measure dioxins and furans PCCD/F and dioxin-like PCBs, performed in accordance with PN-EN 1948.
The chemical compounds known as dioxins and furans are one of the more dangerous sources of environmental pollution, which is why controlling their emissions is so important for the environment. Our specialized measurement team has been enriched with a state-of-the-art mobile laboratory, which has specialized apparatus and instrumentation, which makes it possible to perform
control of these parameters regardless of the situation and weather conditions. An additional advantage of this unit is its connectivity with the main laboratory, which can quickly obtain measurement data so that it can begin the process of analysis and preparation of measurement documentation.
This harmonized way of operating makes it possible to reliably support our customers, where the Regulation of the Minister of the Environment of October 30, 2014. on requirements for conducting measurements of emissions and measurements of the amount of water withdrawn, provides guidance on the quality and measurement requirements that operators of installations are required to carry out. This document indicates their frequency, scope and the methodology to be used for the control of specific parameters including dioxins and furans, which are part of the scope of accreditation of our laboratory.
The knowledge and experience that characterizes our emission measurement department allows us to support our clients in the performance of specialized tests resulting from integrated permits, emission permits and BAT requirements (e.g., brominated flame retardant compounds). Cement plants, steel mills, power plants, hazardous waste incinerators,
municipal waste, factory boiler plants and other industrial facilities that emit pollutants into the atmosphere, can comfortably and safely use the services of our mobile units and the ever-expanding scope of accreditation, which responds to the demands of our partners, as well as the latest environmental standards set.
We invite you to take advantage of our services, which have been enriched with a modern system for viewing results online and obtaining electronically signed reports.
Below is the detailed scope of our laboratory's accreditation: