The Environmental Research Laboratory performs accredited measurements and tests of the working environment
- taking air samples at workplaces
- concentration of harmful dust factors (inhalable and respirable fraction)
- concentration of chemical harmful factors: organic substances, metals
and metalloids, inorganic substances (inhalable, respirable and thoracic fraction) - noise
- ultrasonic noise
- mechanical vibrations with a general effect on the human body
- mechanical vibrations acting on the human body through the upper limbs
- electric lighting inside and outside (intensity and uniformity)
- emergency electric lighting (at workstations and in rooms)
- electromagnetic field
- temperate, hot and cold microclimates
- energy expenditure
Outside the scope of accreditation of the National Center for Accreditation, we also carry out the following works:
- ventilation efficiency
- selection of hearing protectors
- preparation of cards and registers of harmful factors
Tests and measurements of the working environment are carried out on the basis of applicable legal regulations, standards and research methodologies. Reliability and high quality of the tests and measurements of the working environment are confirmed by the accreditation certificate of the testing laboratory No. AB 409, issued by the Polish Center for Accreditation.
The detailed scope of accreditation of our testing laboratory can be found here.